
Thought of Fatima (تفکر فاطمی)

تفکر فاطمی ، بستر اصلاح جامعه است.

بازدید : 782
شنبه 2 خرداد 1399 زمان : 23:23
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Thought of Fatima    (تفکر فاطمی)

Second section
Surah al-Noor activates mention in a man. Mention is consciousness(awareness) so that one gets rid of confusion.
We think that knowing about God and the prophet causes us to flow the mention, rather, it is activated through the execution of commandments.
When a new sentence comes along with Amr and Nahy ( to command to do something and prohibit from doing something), it actually states laws that order you to do something or not to do anything. For example, He says: " the fornicator will not marry anyone but a fornicatress, idolatress, and the fornicatress will be married by none except a fornicator or an idolater, and that is forbidden to the faithful." So we should not act against this command, because faith is not compatible with adultery.
Quran says: " the polytheistic are indeed unclean. 28,At- Tawba
We need to know that some sins cause one to be unclean. If someone did this, but if he repented, he is no longer unclean.
The more a man becomes vicious, the more he deserves a vicious person. Whoever wants her husband to be a good person must become a good person herself. Anyone who is not married should be good himself.
We have religious and non- religious communities. In religious communities, we have believers' houses and the principle is that everyone in this community is a Muslim. Its rulings are Muslim ruling and its market is
the Muslim market. The religious community has a sanctity that makes the religious space. Because in this society the principle is Islam. If the houses and the relationships between the houses be incorrect, the prospect of society would become ugly. And if his ugliness is not dealt with properly, Satan will exploit it.

تعداد صفحات : 1

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  • افراد آنلاین : 1
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  • بازدید هفته : 110
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  • بازدید سال : 866
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