
Thought of Fatima (تفکر فاطمی)

تفکر فاطمی ، بستر اصلاح جامعه است.

بازدید : 788
يکشنبه 20 ارديبهشت 1399 زمان : 17:23
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Thought of Fatima    (تفکر فاطمی)

The most virtuousworship on Friday
Safan Ibn Yahya said:" Teach me the best thing that I can do today." Imam Sadegh (P.B.U.H.) said:" O Mohammad! I don't find anyone dearer and more honorable than Hazrat Fatima ( P.B.U.H.) to the prophet and anything better than what he taught to her is this:
On Friday perform ablutions and offer two prayers of two Rokats and in the first Rokat of them recite Hamd sura one time and Tohid sura 50 times and in second Rokat recite Hand sura one time and Adiyat sura 50 times and in the third Rokat Hamd one time and Zelzal 50 times and in the fourth Rokat Hamd one time and Nasr sura 50 times, and this is the last sura which has been descended and then recites this prayer:
O my God, my Lord, anyone is getting prepared or wearing a cloak or provides and prepares to go to the creature hoping to grant benefit and interest and liberality and kindness, O God! but my preparation and wearing a cloak and providing and preparing to hope to bestow goodness and Your aid and rewards, then don't deprive me of them. O He! Who will not disappoint the applicant in the meeting to his desire and granting to servants doesn't lessen anything from Him? I have neither the righteous deeds that I have sent before You nor the hope of intercession of the creature but the intercession of Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his household that be Your peace upon them, I seek nearness You and I hope for Your great pardon, the same pardon that You bestow to the sinner when they insist on sins and their insistence on sin doesn't deter You from forgiving them, and You, O my master, You turn with the blessing and favor to Your servants, while Inturned to You with my errors and sins, for the sake of Mohammad ( P.B.U.H.) and his pure household I demand You to forgive my great sin because of it does not forgive the great sin except the great, O, Great God! O, Great God! O, Great God! O, Great God! O, Great God! O, Great God!
in some books, this prayer has been slightly changed on Friday night and day and night of Arafeh and Eid al Fitr ( religious celebration ).

تعداد صفحات : 1

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  • افراد آنلاین : 3
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  • بازدید امروز : 39
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  • بازدید هفته : 149
  • بازدید ماه : 163
  • بازدید سال : 905
  • بازدید کلی : 42371
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